Perhaps the world would become

better and more peaceful

if more of us start to show

our appreciation and care for our wives.

Japan Aisaika Organization (JAO), or Adoring Husband Club

Japan Aisaika Organization is a group of slow-life initiative to preserve and enhance the Aisaika culture of Japan. The Aisaika group has been initiated by Japanese men who had come to think that good and sustainable marital relationship may very well lead to the world peace and preservation of the global environment. In other words, Wife-Conscious living for Sustainable Marital Relationships. We created “Beloved Wives’ Day” (January 31) and organize and support various events (such as “Shouting Love in the Center of Cabbage Patch”) to encourage husbands to say “I love you” to their wives.

Group Commendation by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, 2008
CNN Interview text